
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

     As it says on my about page, I travel a lot.  If it is traveling for competitions or just for the hell of it, traveling is one of the highlights of my life.  I am fourteen and i have already been to the six primary continents, and forty nine of the fifty United States.  Traveling is a very important part of one's life because it offers opportunities that usually, you would never experience.  Being this as it may, you often find yourself in a weird or funny situation that you cannot help but share later.  On this blog I will be constantly doing so.

     Last summer (2014), I went on a trip with my family to Spain.  For the previous year or so, whenever we went on a family hike (or any family-time type activity), we would talk about my sisters' dream trip.  For you who do not know, I have two older sisters.  At this time of the story, my oldest sister Kylie was 19 and my other sister was 18. Anyway, my sisters had always planned on traveling through Europe.  My parents decided that we were going to take a family trip, then my sisters could split off from us part of the way in.

     It is summer 2013, we are in Spain as a family and it is week of out month long trip.  At the end of this week my sisters were going to slit off and explore the rest of the wonders Europe has to offer.  At this point, we are in Pamplona for the running of the bulls.A few days before I find myself in my hotel room with my sisters.  Kylie tells us she is going to go take a shower.  The only towels we had were the travel towels.  Okay, a little backstory.  The previous Christmas, in preparation for their journey, each of my sisters had received a small towel for traveling.  What neither of my sisters knew was you are supposed to wash the towel at least once before use. This allows for some of the access dye to get released.

     So we are back in the hotel room as I mentioned before. My sister, Kylie, tells us she is going to take a shower and walks into the bathroom.  For the first fifteen minutes or so everything seems perfectly fine until we hear Kylie scream from the bathroom.  At this point, Bree and I are praying she didn't break something, or herself for that matter.  Kylie then came out, towel still wrapped around her body, and her skin is bright pink.And because of her skin tone (pretty dang white), the pink was very bright.  Here is an example of the color I am describing:

All of her skin, face, arms, body, etc, was dyed for a solid two days and on the third it started to fade.  Now keep in mind, we weren't gonna let her just stay in the hotel.  This means we dragged her around Pamplona as she was constantly being stared at by people.  At one point, she was dancing (probably to some Disney soundtrack) when a woman gave her some money. So that the story of how my sister was a street performer for a day! Hope you guys liked the story and I'll post again soon!