
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

     I often find myself questioning why I spend all my time with the same five people. For those of you who haven't looked at my about page or aren't close to me personally, I am a fencer and I am always traveling with my team.  In the last two years we have traveled all over the United States. This allows for a ton of weird experiences. Once, we were in Pocatello, Idaho, and my friend Cole made a brilliant decision. Now, I will not mention his last name, but if you know who I'm talking about, then you will not be surprised with what I am about to tell you.

     In his defense, this was after a very long day of fencing.  So after our tournament we decided to go back to the hotel and relax for a bit.  When a group of teenagers says "relax" they usually mean go screw around in the hotel and pool.  But, for some reason, we were all super tired and sore (wonder why) and we made the decision to go sit in the hot tub and actually relax for once. This small choice that may have seemed like nothing quickly became the highlight of the night as I saw Cole's eyes widen a few seconds after getting in the hot tub. He then quickly jumped out of the tub.  Of course, in confusion, we all asked if everything was okay. Turns out he had forgotten to take his phone out of his pocket which resulted in his phone's appearance resembling that of a piece of fried chicken.  The chemical reaction that caused this mess also caused a slight burn mark on Cole's thigh.  Let's just say he needed to hit up the Verizon store.

Some of you may be worried he ruined his brand new iphone 6, but don't worry.  Cole is incapable of possessing anything nice without breaking it. So his parents let him use this brick.

I got this picture from here.

    Not all my fencing traveling is with my team.  This last summer I spent part of my time training in San Fransisco at a very prestigious club. While training, I became friends with an odd fellow named Sebastian. We didn't spend much of the training time together because he fences epee (ewww epee).  This caused us to spend a majority of our time together during lunch.  One day, we were both craving tacos.  Sebastian was from San Fransisco so he knew the route the taco truck took.  After a few miles of running, we finally found the truck.  But as we walked up they had packed up and were moving to a new location, so we ran after it a few more miles.  I guess you just do what you got to do for tacos.

     Throughout this blog I will be talking about my experiences with fencing. (I mean I am doing it all the time) If you want more fencing stories, traveling stories or just general thoughts, let me know. I also have a very bad habit of ranting about everything and I have been told it is entertaining. So also let me know if there's anything in particular you want me to rant about.

Adios... :)