
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Normal Day

BEEP BEEP my alarm rings.

Picture from here.

     I roll over and contemplate whether I have what it takes to get out of bed. No matter how many times the answer to that question is negative, something always drags me off my ass. It's now 6:45, and I have 30 minutes till I need to be at school. The speed in which my shower reaches maximum temperature usually results in the coldest five minutes of my life. If I wasn't awake before, I am now. Grab whatever pants are clean and a generic flannel I probably wore earlier this week. Pack a lunch which has a higher chance of killing me than anything else I plan to do today. Well, at least I am ready to go, hopefully I put my contacts in the right eyes...

     I walk down the hall to see the normal road-blocking pack of friends, loud and obnoxious. It's way too early for this. I try to pack my junk in my locker before Sean sees an open shot and nearly closes it on my fingers. I walk with Sam to bio and I sit in my seat regretting my decision previously made this morning. And now its time for the regular scheduled program. First, Mrs. Duis is gonna talk about how she is unprepared this morning and is completely out of it (Imagine how we feel). Next we will take some notes and I won't be able to see the slideshow, guess I have to look off of Rachel's paper. She will forget how long class is and plan an assignment we won't have time to finish. Anyways, off to the high school.

     This is probably the highlight of my day, the walk to the high school with a few of my best friends. Luckily, we are all nerdy enough to have the same math class. We enter the room with the usual greeting, "look, its the freshman." We get it, you're a sophomore, congratulations. We always arrive after they have graded the homework. Our answers are all the same, maybe we did it right. We take some notes and I refrain from raising my hand after every question she asks. Those questions result in one of two ways, either I get it correct and receive a few dirty looks or I get it wrong and someone in the back row shares their opinion with a classic, "ha, the nerd got it wrong." After class we stop by the vending machines to let Nash spend his life's earnings on frozen pastries that have a higher chance of killing you then my home-packed lunch.

     We run into some friends on the way back and walk into AP as Shannon is telling a classic story about how he got shot or the way he acquired his girl-scout cookies. It's casual. We take our seats and get ready for the most confusing 90 minutes of our lives. After an entire class period of confusion, Nash making random sounds, and Annie playing Harry-Potter character guessing games on her computer, we realize we have learned a ton. And thank god, because we have a test later this week.
I grab whatever is left in my sack lunch, I have probably already eaten half of it, and I look for the loudest table in the lunchroom. Annie and Christian are getting in a debate as Olivia stresses out and Nash and Cris are acting like rams locking horns for the appeal of the desirable mating partner.

      Annddddd here comes the headaches. I walk into Spanish as two particular freshman are making complete fools of themselves. Luckily, Mrs. Aplanalp makes fun of them enough that I don't have to. We play some games, I get some candy, and I still learn Spanish. It's crazy how different teaching methods work. I walk down the hall to meet back up with my friends and we all break away to our separate lives, except I am stuck with Sean and Cole. Time to go to practice, but thats a whole different story.

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