
Thursday, May 12, 2016


     I have always been a huge fan of blogs. Growing up, as I was further exposed to the great pool of information known as the Internet, I found that I was reading more and more. I am not a big reader, but when I do read, I am reading blogs. I am attracted to this style of writing because it abandons all rules about grammar and ethics. Anyone can write about whatever they want and you can either choose to read it or not.
     As an eighth grader coming up in the ranks, I was intrigued when I found out when we get to blog for ninth grade honors English. I always wanted to start a blog, but at the time I did not think my life was interesting for anyone to read about. I still don't think my life is interesting enough to read about, but I have some page views so I call that a success. I feel like blogging has helped me evolve as a writer. Even though I do not apply the same grammar/mla rules, I am learning what is important and not. So I think this assignment has helped me evolve as a general writer when it comes to importance.
     I think blogging this year has helped me develop my own voice.  If you read academic essays, you may notice they all follow similar styles and rules. When you blog, you can use your personal voice and write in a similar style to the way you speak. Blogging has helped me develop my own voice. It has made me realize the way I sound to others. I have found words and phrases I am constantly using. I have no used this voice in my daily life and I am trying to become unique as a person.

I got this image from here.

     Writing blogs has also encouraged me to read my friends blogs. I have noticed their individual voices and ways they express their feelings. If you look at the blogs from my friend group, they are all very interesting, yet very different. It has made me notice things they say often while talking usually. I have learned more about my friends from their stories they tell. For example, I have learned a lot from Nash's blog posts about biking. I am excited to keep reading their blogs.
     Not only has it helped me learn about my best friends, but it has also taught me more about my classmates I barely knew. Who knew that shy girl in the corner of the room was a national athlete? It is hard for me to make assumptions about people without getting to know them and I feel reading their blog is an intro to how they live their life. To conclude this topic, blogging this year has not only taught me more about myself, but it has made me learn more and appreciate my friends and those I barely know.

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