
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Fencing practice

     We just got out of fourth period and now its time to go to the gym. Cole pulls out his laptop and starts to play me the latest hits in the world of bad white-guy rapping or a new branch of music called pirate metal. Before I continue I wanna really quick put out a shoutout to pirate metal, it is actually pretty sick. Anyways, we make our way over while babbling about school, teachers we hate, girls, and of course fencing. We walk passed the front desk at the MARC with the usual greeting, "hey boys, your bags are right here." We pick up our body bags and walk over to the lounge area. Cole has his lesson first so I take a seat and wish him luck, "please make her tired, I don't wanna have to do much footwork in my lesson. He then trails down the stairs and into the depths of hell.

     It has started to become a trend to walk straight from school to the gym and wait before practice. There are a few newbies I try to make conversation with but they are too invested in their anime T.V. shows and online games. That's okay, I have homework to do anyway. I work for half an hour and walk down to the gym to Coach Elaine screaming away. Who knows what she is screaming about or who she is even screaming to. Hopefully she won't try to kill me.

     We talk about the ethics of the fencing world and the disputes I had with the Irvine family at the tournament the weekend before. She laughs and we get to work. We start with standard warm up. I go on guard, she parries, I disengage and riposte. This goes on for a while and happens without thinking. We move on to attacks and move quickly to something new of the day. Usually whatever she has planned is super fun. She doesn't teach her other students these, what we call fun moves. She shows me them because she knows when I fence, I like to play and I like to experiment with different fun moves. We finish with a salute and a we shake hands.

     I get some water and grab my coaching jacket so I can start to give some lessons. Noam arrives and I run him through his warm up. I show him some of my favorite moves and then he goes and warms up with the rest of his team. I get dressed in my knickers, yes they are called knickers. I go run laps with Sean then we go stretch with the kids. Elaine makes us run drills and we end up trying to lunge at each other with the correct distance. After we are completely dehydrated, she lets us get water and set up our strips. Cole, Sean and I lift the heavy boxes and let the little ones run cables. We fence for a while and usually stay after practice time to keep working.

                                               This is a box btw. I got the pic from here.

     An hour after practice is supposed to end, we leave and I finally get to eat and shower. Gotta love fencing nights.

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